aerial view of Easdale Island

Easdale Island Harbour

The community of Easdale Island is built around its harbour, whose “B listed” walls were constructed in the eighteenth century around a naturally existing bay.

The harbour is a unique example of the architectural and industrial heritage of the area and has played a central role throughout the island’s colourful history. It is also a key feature of island life in terms of practical necessity, allowing safe operation and mooring of the ferry and various utility boats which make life on the island practicable.

Its viability is crucial to the retention of local jobs and it is also of recreational importance enjoyed by locals, holiday home owners and by visitors. For many people, use of the harbour is an important factor which has led to residence or property ownership on the island.

Unfortunately, the harbour has suffered from years of neglect and substantial funding is required to meaningfully restore it.

Easdale Island Harbour

Easdale Island Harbour

The purchase of the islands’ historic harbour and adjacent land by Eilean Eisdeal was finally completed in March 2005. The long and tortuous journey to securing the necessary funding was completed providing the community with an amenity which is fundamental to the sustainability of Easdale Island.

The harbour is a complex project and progress is envisaged to occur in sequential phases with each one being a step towards the overall goal. Interim small scale harbour improvements have been undertaken including new summer/winter berthing arrangements, provision of a pontoon, works to halt further decline in the fabric of the historic harbour walls, investigative work upon which further plans can be assessed and dredging in key areas. It is an ongoing project with still a huge amount of work to be done however it does provide an income to Eilean Eisdeal through mooring fees, rental agreements for the slipways with the local authority and dredging/tipping fees.

Harbour renovations

Harbour renovations 2004

Harbour moorings

If you would like to moor your boat in Easdale Island harbour please download the Berthing Agreement and return to The Secretary, Eilean Eisdeal once completed.

Current fully paid up members of Eilean Eisdeal will receive a 15% discount on berthing charges.